Town of Wilton New York

Notifications to Adjacent Landowners




The following procedure is required so that adjacent landowners can be notified of the date, time and location of the public hearing for the proposed project. (NOTE: Do NOT send out the letter of notification until all the following procedures have been followed and a public hearing date has been set by the board.)

Hearing dates are scheduled by the Planning Board when a determination is made that all the required information has been submitted and/or the project application meets all the requirements for preliminary submission.


  • Notification should be sent out at least 10 days prior to the hearing date.
  • Obtain a list names and addresses of adjacent landowners from the Planning Department.
  • Prepare a letter to the adjacent landowners which includes:

           - A brief description of your application.
           - The date, time, and location of the public hearing.
           - State that any questions can be addressed to the Planning Department at (518) 587-1939                     ext. 201 or email:

  • Submit a copy of the letter to the Planning Department for review PRIOR to mailing.
  • All notifications letters must be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested.
  • The original receipts must be submitted to the Planning Department at the time notifications are sent.
  • Return receipts must also be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the public hearing date.

            - Be sure to submit any unclaimed letters as well.


NOTE: Public hearings are designed to allow any interested party an available arena to put forth any comments and/or questions related to the project. Applicants and/or their representative(s) are expected to give a brief presentation for the benefit of the audience before the floor is opened for comment. Remember that, although the project may have been before the Board prior to the hearing date, residents may be learning about this project for the first time.

Please contact the Planning Department at (518) 587-1939 ext. 201 or email: with any questions regarding the notification process.

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